Virtual museum

The virtual museum - - is the result of our team’s long-term documentation activities. Its aim is to present the basic form and dimensions of Soviet repression through a virtual reconstruction of a Gulag camp, specific life stories, selected objects, documents and texts.

Part of the virtual museum is a complete 3D tour of the Gulag camp, illustrated with eyewitness testimonies, literary samples and a tour of authentic objects or documents. All this is supplemented by a bibliography and basic texts on the history of the Gulag and Soviet repression. On the Gulag Online portal, the hitherto unknown fates of mainly Czech victims of the Gulag, newly processed on the basis of our own archival research and interviews with witnesses, are continuously being added. We also add texts describing other dimensions of repression - deportation of individual nations, executions, anti-Soviet uprisings. We are trying to point out the wider, European dimension of Soviet repression.

The virtual museum also includes a unique collection of 3D objects - finds from our expeditions converted into 3D by photogrammetry technology.

Individual documented locations and stories of witnesses are displayed on an interactive map that approximates the geographical extent of Soviet repression. This map allows you to switch between different layers - for example, satellite images or detailed military maps. It also shows all almost 500 camp administrations of the Gulag, under which dozens and hundreds of individual camps fell.

As part of the project, the results of the documentation activities of the team are also presented - outputs from expeditions to Siberia and Kazakhstan, individual mapped camps, their 3D models, unique panoramic photographs and other mapped places associated with repression. The virtual museum thus makes it possible to visit places that are otherwise almost inaccessible, at least from a distance.

Photo gallery - Opening ceremony:

The establishment of the Gulag Online Museum was made possible by a successful crowdfunding campaign on the Hithit portal and supported by the Vodafone Foundation under the Technology for Society program.

Virtual museumProject news

65 years ago, the Gulag structure was officially abolished in the USSR

January 09, 2025

In the Soviet Union, the Gulag structure was officially abolished on 13 January 1960. Unofficially, however, it continues to ...

December 30, 2024

November 15, 2024

We commemorate the anniversary of the bloodily suppressed uprising in Vorkuta in July

July 24, 2024

One of the largest uprisings in the history of the Gulag broke out in July 1953 and culminated on July 22, when 1,500 prisone...

70 years have passed since one of the most tragic uprisings in the Gulag

June 27, 2024

On Wednesday, June 26, we commemorated the anniversary of the suppression of the Kengir Uprising, one of the largest and most...

Deportations of Crimean Tatars began 80 years ago

May 18, 2024

May 1944. The Second World War is raging in the world, and one of the biggest Soviet crimes - the deportation of the Crimean ...

Brutal deportations of Chechens and Ingushs began 80 years ago

February 23, 2024

80 years ago, on February 23, 1944, the resettlement of Chechens and other Caucasian peoples to Central Asia began. Hundreds ...

The Magnificent One – Nikolai Braun and his poems against the invasion of 1968

August 25, 2023

This is the story of a Russian who faced Soviet tanks alone, being even lonelier than the globally renowned eight brave prote...

August 24, 2023

We have launched 3D gallery of objects from the Gulag

January 25, 2021

Objects of Gulag prisoners' daily life – shoes, hats, serving bowls, spoons, a bread pan, a hand-made colander, and many more...

Witnesses of Soviet deportations in the Baltic states

June 13, 2020

We have launched a new project on the Gulag Online website remembering the ...

Invitation to the Grand Opening of the Virtual Museum Gulag Online

June 01, 2016

We invite you to the grand opening of the virtual museum Gulag Online. The presentation will take place on Thursday, June 9, ...

Gulag Online Museum launches on June 9!

April 29, 2016

The Gulag Online Museum is scheduled to be open and open on Thursday, June 9, 2016. If you want to attend the opening ceremon...