The premiere will take place on two dates and in two places - on 24 April 2025 at 18:00 in Prague at Kino Aero and on 28 April at 18:00 in Ostrava at DK Poklad. The Ostrava public premiere will be preceded by a screening for schools from 10:00. Each of these three screenings will be accompanied by a discussion with the filmmakers.

The beginning of 2025 in Russia was marked by many tragic anniversaries and sad events.

The installation dedicated to Russian political prisoners moved to the courtyard of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University...

Our new film from the expedition to discover the fate of Czechoslovaks in Soviet Kyrgyzstan will premiere in April.

Arrests, executions, imprisonments, Gulag camps, deportations of entire nations - all these have affected millions of people ... has long cooperated with Memorial. Together we implement a number of projects and support Memorial members currently...

In the Soviet Union, the Gulag structure was officially abolished on 13 January 1960. Unofficially, however, it continues to ...

December marks many important commemorations of human rights struggles, many of which are directly related to Memorial's work...

In November, we celebrate the Day of Struggle for Freedom and Democracy in the Czech Republic. And it was during these days t...

A new exhibition follows the lives of women in Soviet camps through photographs of handicrafts and objects connected to the s...

At the end of August 2024, we set out in search of Czech traces and evidence of Soviet state terror in Kyrgyzstan. The result...

The outdoor installation in the Valdštejsnká zahrada in Prague presents ten selected cases of political prisoners who were se...

One of the largest uprisings in the history of the Gulag broke out in July 1953 and culminated on July 22, when 1,500 prisone...

We are going on an expedition to Kyrgyzstan following the footsteps of Soviet repression and the Czechoslovak commune Interhe...

On Wednesday, June 26, we commemorated the anniversary of the suppression of the Kengir Uprising, one of the largest and most...

May 1944. The Second World War is raging in the world, and one of the biggest Soviet crimes - the deportation of the Crimean ...

The Soviet terror left an indelible mark in today’s Kazakhstan. More than one million Kazakhs died of famine and millions of ...

She was given metal by Stalin, then her husband was executed, her son (who later became a Soviet national artist) was taken a...

80 years ago, on February 23, 1944, the resettlement of Chechens and other Caucasian peoples to Central Asia began. Hundreds ...

Our organisation has joined MEMENTOES, an international project that brings together memory and museum organisations with gam...

The Returning the Names event is held annually on 29 October, on the eve of the Russian Day of Remembrance of the Victims of ...

This year, the Saint Wenceslas Day marks the 85th anniversary of the execution of 80 innocent Czechs in Zhytomyr. The text yo...

On 13 September, together with the National Library of the Czech Republic - Slavic Library and Memorial ČR, we have prepared ...

This is the story of a Russian who faced Soviet tanks alone, being even lonelier than the globally renowned eight brave prote...

The unique Perm-36 Museum, created from the former GULAG camp for Soviet dissidents, has an unexpected connection to the Czec...

Focusing on education using high technologies, this project is unique in the Czech environment. Using virtual and extended re...

More than 30 works of art commemorating the Sandarmokh execution grounds dating back to the Stalin terror era will aid Ukrain...

We have just published a detailed catalog for the exhibition "Sandarmoch - where the trees have faces".

Every year, on October 29, on the eve of the Russian Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repression, we commemorate the nam...

Our team made a documentary about the Russian Memorial society, the history of its liquidation and the extremely difficult si...

The exhibition titled "Sandarmokh – Where the Trees Have Faces" will be officially opened at Studio Hrdinů in the Trade Fair ...

Асоціація і чеський «Меморіал» готують виставку, присвячену історії Сандармоху і російському історику Юрію Дмитрієву...

Screening of the film A Journey to the Gulag and discussion with Lithuanian poet and dissident Tomas Venclova and Ru...

Putin's war in Ukraine is a huge tragedy for the present, the future and the past. Let us help everyone where we can, refugee...

We join the call to support the Russian Memorial Association, which is in danger of liquidation. You can also sign the petiti...

Every year on 29 October, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, we celebrate the memo...

Executions, deportations to Siberia, physical abuse, slave labor in GULAG camps - this was the Soviet reality under Joseph St...

We are pleased to present an online exhibition „Repressed art. Artists in the KGB/S...

One newly localized camp for Soviet POWs and a thorough mapping of the remains of other WWII Nazi camps – that’s the result o...

Czech branch of Memorial and together with Russian and Czech partners will host two commemorative events dedicated t...

Objects of Gulag prisoners' daily life – shoes, hats, serving bowls, spoons, a bread pan, a hand-made colander, and many more...

Every year on 29 October, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, we celebrate the memo...

A joint statement by Post Bellum (a project of the Memory of Nation),, Czech branch of Memorial and Političtí vězni....

We have launched a new project on the Gulag Online website remembering the ...

After a few years we presented our projects to Russian audience again. On Tuesday, March 3, we were guests at the Gulag State...

Memorial in Moscow, in the latest series of court proceedings, was fined over five million rubles for alleged failure to incl...

Dear friends, we would like to show you the first results of our experimenting with virtual and augmented reality which we ha...

On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, we joined for the third time the event of the Russian Memorial Association "Returning the Names...

On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 was the premiere of the documentary film "A Journey to the Gulag" about our ...

On Monday 26. November in Prague took a place a discussion on the criminalization of Russian historians and attempts to rewri...

On Monday, October 29, we joined for the second time an event of the Russian Memorial society "Returning the names". At the M...

Two new commemorative tables now commemorate the victims of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia.

On Sunday, October 29, on the eve of the Russian Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repression, we commemorated the names ...

Today saw the ceremonial launch of the Gulag Online virtual museum. The virtual museum is the result of a year’s work by memb...

We invite you to the grand opening of the virtual museum Gulag Online. The presentation will take place on Thursday, June 9, ...

The Gulag Online Museum is scheduled to be open and open on Thursday, June 9, 2016. If you want to attend the opening ceremon...

V sobotu 23. dubna v Moskvě zemřel spisovatel a básník Semjon Vilenskij, předseda ...

We have launched the "Central European Map of the Gulag" project by the joint workshop with our partners from Poland, Slovaki...

Creating a unified database of Soviet repressions - this was the theme of a three-day workshop that we organized in Prague in...

The Czech presentation of the Russian project The Last Address, which commemorates the victims of Soviet repression, met with...

We sent an open letter to the governor of Perm region Viktor Basargin. The letter was joined by other Czech institutions - th...