[Chybí název v daném jazyce]

September 08, 2022 | Exhibitions

ExhibitionsProject news

The catalog for Sandarmokh exhibition

January 30, 2023

We have just published a detailed catalog for the exhibition "Sandarmoch - where the trees have faces".

Opening of the exhibition "Sandarmoch - where the trees have faces" in Liberec

November 02, 2022

Press release by Gulag.cz and Czech Memorial.
The exhibition S...

[Chybí název v daném jazyce]

September 08, 2022

Sandarmokh – Where the Trees Have Faces

July 28, 2022

The exhibition titled "Sandarmokh – Where the Trees Have Faces" will be officially opened at Studio Hrdinů in the Trade Fair ...

Gulag.cz і чеський «Меморіал» шукають митців!

May 31, 2022

Асоціація Gulag.cz і чеський «Меморіал» готують виставку, присвячену історії Сандармоху і російському історику Юрію Дмитрієву...

Online exhibition „Repressed art. Artists in the KGB/StB documents“

September 29, 2021

We are pleased to present an online exhibition „Repressed art. Artists in the KGB/S...

[Chybí název v daném jazyce]

April 08, 2016