A search system named "Memory of Repression" has been launched at www.memsearch.org, w...
This is the story of a Russian who faced Soviet tanks alone, being even lonelier than the globally renowned eight brave prote...
The unique Perm-36 Museum, created from the former GULAG camp for Soviet dissidents, has an unexpected connection to the Czec...
More than 30 works of art commemorating the Sandarmokh execution grounds dating back to the Stalin terror era will aid Ukrain...
Putin's war in Ukraine is a huge tragedy for the present, the future and the past. Let us help everyone where we can, refugee...
We join the call to support the Russian Memorial Association, which is in danger of liquidation. You can also sign the petiti...
Czech branch of Memorial and Gulag.cz together with Russian and Czech partners will host two commemorative events dedicated t...
Memorial in Moscow, in the latest series of court proceedings, was fined over five million rubles for alleged failure to incl...
V sobotu 23. dubna v Moskvě zemřel spisovatel a básník Semjon Vilenskij, předseda ...
Creating a unified database of Soviet repressions - this was the theme of a three-day workshop that we organized in Prague in...