A virtual tour of the camp in the Marble Gorge is created using a series of interconnected 360° panoramic photographs taken in various parts of the site, even inside some buildings. Thanks to this, practically anyone can visit this scary place from the comfort of home, and walk among the camp objects, look into some of them, and get an immediate impression of one of the Gulag camps.
The “virtual walk” begins at the entrance to the Marble Gorge as well as the entire camp complex. However, the driveway is no longer visible; the surface consists only of a stone field; its course is indicated by high-voltage wooden poles. To the left on edge, there are several destructions of unknown purpose; on the way forward, we enter straight into the best-preserved part of the whole area – the administrative section of the camp. In most cases, it still consists of still-standing buildings, often with partial equipment allowing the determination of their original purpose. In three rows, we find several operational, administrative buildings, including a cash register, a small waterworks, a radio station, a bakery, a bath, as well as the residential barracks of the chief and security guards. With a certain distance is the prison camp, a perimeter surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence. However, only the nearest lower part is preserved; the rest is already superimposed with a stone field. The walk passes the guard tower, located in the corner of the “zone”; a dilapidated building in its immediate vicinity is a correction – a camp prison. The next stop is placed directly in front of the entrance gate, to which the gatehouse adjoins from the side. The road further climbs up to the mining area.